0098 country code

0098 country code - To call to Iran use the international country calling code 98 followed by the national phone number you want to call Iran is located in Asia and uses Rial It has around 78 143 644 inhabitants 28 760 000 landlines and 58 160 000 cell phone users 98 Country code IR iso 2 IRN iso 3 IRR Currency ir domain Local time Sunday April 21 2024

The international dialing code for Iran is 98 You must enter this number if you are calling from another country Iran International phone number 98 IDD 00 ISO code 2 IR ISO code 3 IRN Capital city Tehran Number of inhabitants 76 923 300 Area 1 648 000 00km 2 Continent Asia Internet domain of country ir Currency Rial IRR

0098 country code

0098 country code

0098 country code

Which country has the country code +98? Iran. Check phone number Report Spam Calls. Country information Iran. Iran: Country Code (Prefix/Dialing Code): +98. Capital:.

CountryCode is your complete guide to call anywhere in the world The calling chart above will help you find the dialing codes you need to make long distance phone calls to friends family and business partners around the globe Simply find and click the country you wish to call

How To Call Iran Country Code 98

Iran Country Code Iran Country Code Country Calling Code 98 E 164 Country Calling CODE 98 ISO 3166 1 alpha 3 CODE IRN ISO 3166 1 alpha 3 CODE IR ISO 3166 1 numeric CODE 364 Country code top level domain ccTLD CODE ir Country Continent World about faq languages contact



Calling Iran explained 011 international prefix dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada 98 Country Code for Iran Phone Number remove initial 0 fixed 5 to 10 digits area code included VoIP 10 digits numbers start with 94 mobile





Iran Country Code

LOCAL NUMBER This is the local number you would like to call This page helps you call from to Iran using international country codes Area Codes for Iran are also supplied Country Code 98 is for Iran The dialing code is also described as phone code 98 or dialing code 98 and is sometimes described as a calling code or international dialing code



The Iran telephone country code is the number 98


Dialing Code 98 Country Code 98 Prefix International Dialing Codes

Country calling code of Iran is 98 If your phone doesn t have the key you need to dial a access code known as the international call prefix in it s place To know the call prefix for the calling country select the from country field





0098 country code

The Iran telephone country code is the number 98

The international dialing code for Iran is 98 You must enter this number if you are calling from another country Iran International phone number 98 IDD 00 ISO code 2 IR ISO code 3 IRN Capital city Tehran Number of inhabitants 76 923 300 Area 1 648 000 00km 2 Continent Asia Internet domain of country ir Currency Rial IRR









