Many Forms Of Politeness And Discretion Involve Being Deceptive

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When his girlfriend asks if he really loves her Ramon gives her a vague ambiguous response What form of deception is he attempting equivocation vocal characteristics are usually poor indicators of deception many forms of politeness and discretion involve being deceptive true deception done for the right reasons is not really

Many Forms Of Politeness And Discretion Involve Being Deceptive

Many Forms Of Politeness And Discretion Involve Being Deceptive

Many Forms Of Politeness And Discretion Involve Being Deceptive

Politeness, in this broad sense, is a form of communicative behavior found very generally in human languages and among human cultures; indeed, it has been claimed as a universal phenomenon of human society. 1 What it means to be polite, I will argue, is to speak or behave in such a way as to (appear to) give benefit or value not to yourself but ...

A truth bias b all of these c focusing on the wrong nonverbal signs d questioning everything we hear takes too much energy All of these According to research most people discover that they have been lied to when A third party reveals the truth When Ronaldo bought his new flat screen television he was surprised at the cost

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The written history of attention to politeness goes way back with for example prescriptive etiquette books dating back to ancient Egyptian times Terkourafi 2011 and extending up into modern times with prescriptions in the popular media e g the American Ann Landers and Dear Abby advice columns and to Henri Bergson s 1885 philosophical discourse on three kinds or senses of politeness


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2 1 Face and Politeness Face a person s public self image has been a key topic in politeness research since Brown and Levinson s seminal work Brown and Levinson borrowed face and the concept of politeness as an interpretation of face work from Erving Goffman s 1967 p 12 work in which the concept of facework refers to the actions taken by a person to make whatever he

Politeness. P. Brown and Levinson (1987) argued that three aspects of interpersonal situations are universally related to politeness: (a) the relative power of the addressee over the speaker, (b) the degree of imposition of the to-be-performed act, and (c) the social distance between the speaker and the addressee. According to Brown and Levinson, speakers use more polite language when ...

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Many Forms Of Politeness And Discretion Involve Being Deceptive

2 1 Face and Politeness Face a person s public self image has been a key topic in politeness research since Brown and Levinson s seminal work Brown and Levinson borrowed face and the concept of politeness as an interpretation of face work from Erving Goffman s 1967 p 12 work in which the concept of facework refers to the actions taken by a person to make whatever he

When his girlfriend asks if he really loves her Ramon gives her a vague ambiguous response What form of deception is he attempting equivocation vocal characteristics are usually poor indicators of deception many forms of politeness and discretion involve being deceptive true deception done for the right reasons is not really


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